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Your Guide To Setting Up A Holiday Bar

If you're like most busy people, the holidays tend to creep up on you, and before you know it, you've got a thousand little details to tend to within a short period of time — and setting up a holiday bar for celebratory libations often gets moved to the back burner, leaving hosts to try to piece it together at the last minute. However, this approach is frustrating for the host and can detract from the overall experience if the beverage choices just seem like they've been quickly thrown together. Fortunately, it doesn't have to be that way. Here's what you need to know about saving time and effort while setting up a holiday bar to complement the amazing feast you'll be serving.

Create a Signature Cocktail

Instead of having a hodgepodge of liquor and mixers sitting haphazardly on the counter, create a signature cocktail instead. Spiked hot apple cider, for instance, prepared prior to the event and placed in a thermal beverage dispenser so that guests may help themselves, is a great seasonal beverage option. If classic cocktails are more your style, break out the highball glasses, several large serving carafes, and mix up a batch or two of cranberry punch. Provide guests with the option of wine or beer along with the signature cocktail.

Provide Plenty of Nonalcoholic Options

Nonalcoholic options on holiday bars often seem like afterthoughts, as if the host had decided to get rid of the odds and ends of their refrigerators and cupboards. Although there should be some variety available for the designated drivers, under-21 crowd, and those who simply prefer not to indulge, it's a nice touch to provide them with their own signature beverage. This can the same thing as the signature cocktail without the alcohol, such as hot apple cider. Don't forget to add something sparkling, such as sparkling cranberry or plum cider for a festive note. 

Order Wine Online

Shopping for wine to serve at seasonal gatherings usually involves crowded stores, standing in line, and feeling rushed to get in and out of the store as soon as possible. When you order wine online, however, you do so from the comfort of your own favorite chair or spot on the couch. Because you're able to browse the inventory on your time schedule, you'll likely make more thoughtful selections. Perhaps best of all, there won't be any standing in line involved with online wine sales.   

Remember, no matter how you decide to set up your holiday bar, always have a plan just in case one or more of your guests need a ride home after the festivities have come to an end. 

Reach out to an online wine sales company for more information.